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Landscape and Humans – Landscape Protection

Nature conservation and landscape protection in the Czech Lands

Dedicated nature conservation and landscape protection emerged in our territory at the beginning of the 19th century (Žofín Forest, 1838). The first protection regulations in the modern terms date back to 1933 when 33 protected areas were established. By 1938, 142 natural reserves were created. The first independent law was approved in 1956. The current legal regulation in force is the act of 1992. We can distinguish between large-scale protected areas – National Parks (NP, currently 4), Protected Landscape Areas (CHKO, currently 26), small-scale National Nature Reserves (NPR, currently110), National Nature Monuments (NPP, currently 123), Nature Reserves (PR, currently over 800) and Nature Monuments (PP, currently over 1,550).

Kladské rašeliny National Reserve. Photo Dana Fialová, 2011.

Jezerní slať National Reserve in the Šumava National Park. Photo Dana Fialová, 2005.


Mackovčin, P. – Sedláček, M. (eds.): Chráněná území ČR. Sv. 1-13, Praha, Brno 1999–2008;
Ochrana přírody a krajiny v České republice. Available here [verified 05/03/2020].

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0

Cultural monument care in the Czech Lands

Cultural monument care has a long tradition. First, the so-called purism prevailed, seeking to return the medieval monuments to the ideal Gothic form. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the so-called conservative method was established – the monument was to be protected in a condition in which it had survived to the current day with all modifications that occurred throughout its development. Since 1918, cultural monument care has been managed by the state. As a result of political and social transformations, attention was paid only to selected monuments while the others were destroyed or burgled. There are currently 14 immovable monuments on the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage, 40 urban monument reservations, 61 rural zones, 2 other zones, and 8 archaeological zones.

Jindřichův Hradec urban monument reserve. Photo of Dana Fialová, 2018.

Jindřichův Hradec urban monument reserve. Photo of Dana Fialová, 2018.


Pavlík, M. a kol.: Regenerace historických budov, sídel a krajiny, ochrana památek. Praha 1998;
Kuča, K.: Péče o památkový fond České republiky. Acta Pruhoniciana, 97, 2011, s. 69-77;
Kuča, K. ‒ Kučová, V. ‒ Salašová, A. ‒ Vorel, I. ‒ Weber, M. a kol.: Krajinné památkové zóny České republiky. Praha 2015.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0